When you embed a shared google calendar (multiple calendars in one view).. You lose the color coding! The trick to add color coding back in to the various calendars is to add a color after the &source.

Google Calendar Embed Color Codes

These are the color codes for events when embedding multiple google public calendars on your site.
Pink – %23B1365F
Fuchsia – %235C1158
Red – %23711616
Crimson – %23691426
Orange – %23BE6D00
Orange Red – %23B1440E
Red Orange – %23853104
Burnt Orange – %238C500B
Brown Orange – %23754916
Gold – %2388880E
Goldenrod- %23AB8B00
Darker Goldenrod – %23856508
Pale Green- %2328754E
Lighter Green – %231B887A
Green – %2328754E
Forest Green – %230D7813
Olive Green – %23528800
Jungle Green – %23125A12
Another Olive – %232F6309
Another Green – %232F6213
Sea Green – %230F4B38
Golden Olive – %235F6B02
Green Gray – %234A716C
Olive Gray – %236E6E41
Dull Navy – %2329527A
Standard Blue – %232952A3
Blue Gray – %234E5D6C
Blue Steel – %235A6986
Another blue – %23182C57
Dark Blue – %23060D5E
Sea Blue – %23113F47
Violet – %237A367A
Purple- %235229A3
Purple Gray – %23865A5A
Purple Brown – %23705770
Deep Purple – %2323164E
Magenta – %235B123B
Another Purple – %2342104A
Yellow Brown – %23875509
Brown – %238D6F47
Nice Brown – %236B3304
Black- %23333333


The following embed code embeds 4 different google calendars into one (1) view:  In WordPress, I put this embed code in a CODE BLOCK:

<iframe src=”https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=google%40domain.com&color=%23711616&ctz=America/Los_Angeles&src=mc5a7bdtp2kajjelg3hecopjik@group.calendar.google.com&color=%23BE6D00
&src=e3bfjr8g93f3r7mnmqrg0562oo@group.calendar.google.com&color=%235229A3” style=”border: 0″ width=”800″ height=”600″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe>

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When you need to direct a particular user to a certain page based on their role in WordPress, you don’t need to spend money on a redirect plugin – just put the following code in your function.php file.


For instance, if you want all Subscribers to be redirected to their Dashboard.

When you need to direct a particular user to a certain page based on their role in WordPress, you don’t need to spend money on a redirect plugin – just put the following code in your function.php file.

For instance, if you want all Subscribers to be redirected to their Dashboard.